New address and phone #
4515 NE 103rd ST
Vancouver, WA 98686
Craniosacral Therapy in Vancouver, WA
When to use CST
You may be experiencing:
pain (head/neck/jaw/shoulders/back/hips/arms/hands/legs/feet)
physical, emotional or spiritual trauma
concussion recovery
jaw pain/TMJ
nervous system disorder/learning disability
chronic fatigue
the need to be heard
the need to say something​
the need to be nurtured
the need to make a change in your life
​the need to reconnect to yourself/body awareness
Craniosacral Therapy addresses all these issues,
being proactive in your physical and emotional health is
the most effective method for maintaining your personal
resources so you can weather whatever comes your way.
I suggest:
-Life Cycles
Women’s life cyles create opportunities for healing and growth.
Craniosacral Therapy can support women during each of their cycles (including menstration and menopause discomforts) allowing them to embrace change naturally and reconnect to body and soul.
Schedule a session during summer, fall, winter and spring for basic coverage.
Schedule monthly for the optimal proactive approach.
-.Before or after an anticipated stressfull event.
Prepare your body, mind and spirit before the event and recovery after.
-More reasons my clients have scheduled sessions::
relationship issues
respite for a caregiver
visitors staying
We each have something that we know may drain our energy supply or push our buttons.
I invite you to schedule a time to take care of yourself so you have more resourses to enjoy life to the fullest.

"Healing begins when the pain becomes more unbearable than the fear of change."